Is Work Life Balance Possible When You Have a Baby?

Work life balance is possible when you have a baby - Father in a business suit plays with his son after work

Don’t believe anything you’ve read: Work life balance after having a baby doesn’t totally exist the way those Instagram accounts might have you think. Because balancing work and life as a new parent can seem like an impossible task. As a parent, you’ll quickly learn that you CAN’T do it all. Not without some support. And that’s OK! In fact, it’s totally normal. We discuss these realities, explore specific challenges, and offer practical strategies for finding a work life balance that works for you after having a baby.

Planning Ahead for Parental Leave

Prioritizing Responsibilities

While you might just want to focus on that growing belly and your baby registry (who wouldn’t?!), you’ll be best off if you begin to prepare before parental leave. Pro tip: check out the Josie #iwishihadthis database of resources for new parents that include services and supports that people wish they had had when they first became parents. But the truth is that prioritizing responsibilities both at work and home is crucial. Make sure you identify the essential tasks that need to be completed before your leave and delegate non-essential tasks. This approach will help you manage your workload effectively and reduce stress. Because pregnancy + stress is not an ideal combination.

Setting Achievable Goals

Setting realistic and achievable goals for managing work and family life is vital. Break down your tasks into manageable chunks and set specific, attainable goals. This will help you stay organized and focused, ensuring that both your professional and personal responsibilities are met.

Strategies for Achieving Work Life Balance After Parental Leave

Creating a Flexible Work Schedule

Flexibility is key to managing work-life balance after having a baby and returning from parental leave. Explore options for flexible working hours or remote work arrangements. You’d be surprised: many employers are open to such arrangements, especially if it leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Time Management Tips

While babies might scoff at anything you attempt to do to stay on schedule, remember that effective time management is essential for balancing work and family life. Leverage tools and techniques such as to-do lists, calendars, apps, and time-blocking – whatever you need to do to manage your tasks efficiently. Prioritize your activities and allocate specific times for work and family duties to ensure a balanced approach.

Delegating Tasks

As hard as it might be, don’t hesitate to delegate tasks both at work and home. At work, collaborate with colleagues and delegate tasks that can be handled by others. They’ll especially be up to speed if they helped cover your absence during parental leave. At home, involve your partner and family members in household chores and childcare duties. You DON’T have to do it all. Delegation helps distribute the workload and reduces the burden on any one person.

Building a Support System for Work Life Balance When You Have a Baby

Leveraging Your Network

Find your people. Building a strong support system is crucial for new parents. Leverage your network of friends, family, and colleagues for support. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. A supportive network can provide emotional support, practical assistance, and valuable advice. Plus, don’t underestimate how much people will want to help. Sometimes they just need to be told how they can help. Bonus points if helping involves giving newborn snuggles while you reply to some emails.

Professional Help

Outsource outsource outsource when possible! Consider hiring professionals to help manage your household duties. House cleaners, laundry services, and meal delivery services can be worth their weight in gold and can allow you to focus on your baby and your career. Professional help can provide the extra hands you need to maintain balance.

Enlisting the help of a childcare provider can also make a world of a difference. We often forget how helpful they can be in everything from answering developmental questions, to babysitting on weekends, to helping to ease your anxiety, and more!  They are part of your team and village – and key for establishing work life balance after having a baby.


Self-Care for New Parents

Maintaining Physical Health When You Have a Baby

Parenting can be hard on the body. (Nevermind how your body will feel after actually giving birth…) Maintaining your physical health is essential for managing the demands of parenthood and work. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, even if it’s just a short walk or a quick workout at home. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, enabling you to handle stress better. When in doubt, incorporate some movement into your day.

Mental Well Being Helps Achieve Work Life Balance

Your mental well being is just as important as your physical health. Practice techniques for managing stress, such as mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Find a coach and/or prioritize getting support from other mental health professionals if needed and don’t hesitate to talk about your feelings with trusted friends or family members. If you believe you might be experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety, you deserve the help you need. It’ll make balancing work and parenting a lot more manageable.

Finding ‘Me Time’

Carving out personal time despite a busy schedule is vital for self-care. Schedule regular ‘me time’ to do activities you enjoy, whether it’s reading, hobbies, or simply relaxing. Try to continue something that you enjoyed before you became a parent. Taking time for yourself helps recharge your energy and improves overall well-being. It also helps relieve the feeling that you’re losing a piece of yourself now that you’re a parent.

Finding Work Life Balance After the Return to Work

Creating Quality Time

Make the most of your time with your baby by creating quality moments. Engage in activities that strengthen your bond and make memories. Prioritize family time and ensure that it is undisturbed and meaningful. Make certain aspects of your day with your baby non-negotiable– like always going for a walk first thing in the morning or singing a certain song before bedtime. These routines will strengthen your bond and make you feel connected.

Meeting Work Commitments

This is where setting boundaries is KEY. Develop strategies to meet work commitments without compromising family time. Plan your work tasks around your family schedule, and be disciplined about keeping work within designated hours. Effective time management and clear boundaries will help you achieve this balance between work and life after having a baby.

Communication is Key for a Work Life Balance

Partner Coordination When You Have a Baby

Your life partner is now your partner in the trenches. Now’s the time for teamwork, if ever there was one. Effective communication and coordination between the two of you is essential for maintaining balance. Discuss your schedules, responsibilities, and any challenges you face. Work together to find solutions and support each other in managing both work and family duties.

Employer Communication

Don’t be shy: communicate your needs and negotiate flexible arrangements with your employer. Be open about your situation and explore options that can help your work life balance after having a baby. Employers are often willing to accommodate reasonable requests if it leads to better productivity and employee satisfaction.

Setting Boundaries After Parental Leave

Clear Work Boundaries For Work Life Balance

Setting clear work boundaries is crucial to avoid overworking. Define specific work hours and stick to them. Avoid checking emails or doing work tasks outside these hours to ensure you have dedicated time for family and personal activities. Pro Tip: Don’t respond to emails when you don’t want to be reached. It’ll send the message that you’re available at all hours. If needed, schedule the email to go out at a time that you’ve previously defined as a “working hour.”

Family Boundaries For Work Life Balance

Protect and prioritize your new family at all costs! Don’t be afraid to set boundaries to minimize interruptions during family time and create routines that support a balanced lifestyle. Communicate these boundaries to both your family and colleagues to manage expectations. If they don’t know about your ideal schedule, they can’t abide by it.

Adjusting Over Time to Hit the Best Work Life Balance When You Have a Baby

Regular Check-Ins

Work life balance after having a baby is an ongoing process that requires regular check-ins and adjustment. Regularly evaluate your balance and make necessary changes to your situation. Be flexible and open to adapting your approach as your needs and circumstances change. And guess what? Babies’ schedules and needs change CONSTANTLY. So being flexible is key.

Being Open to Change

Life with a new baby is unpredictable, and it’s essential to remain flexible with your work life balance strategies. Be open to change and ready to adapt to new challenges. Maintaining a flexible mindset will help you navigate the ups and downs of balancing work and family life. And there will be ups and downs – so it’s best to prepare.

While a true work life balance after having a baby might be a myth, you CAN achieve something that resembles it by following these approaches and maintaining a flexible mindset. What’s important is doing what’s best for you and your family, and continuously adapting to ensure both your professional and personal needs are met.

If you need a trusted partner in navigating the joys and challenges of new parenthood, contact Josie today!