How to Be a Career Mom and Not Burn Out

How to be a career mom and not burn out

I’m not a regular mom, I’m a career mom!

Ok but bad jokes aside, being a career mom can be an exhilarating yet demanding experience. With the responsibility of juggling work, family, and personal life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Heck just thinking about all the things working mothers do feels overwhelming. This guide aims to help career moms understand burnout, manage time effectively, set boundaries, prioritize self-care, leverage support systems, and balance their many roles. It’s a lot but doable, especially with support. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Career Mom Burnout

Burnout is a term that gets thrown around all. the. time. But what actually is burnout?! It is the physical and emotional exhaustion that results from prolonged stress. Symptoms may include fatigue, irritability, reduced performance, and a negative attitude towards work or family life. And you can tell if you’re experiencing burnout because the things that once brought you joy are starting to cause you distress. Common factors contributing to burnout among career moms include lack of work-life balance, high expectations from yourself and others, and insufficient support systems. It takes a village, y’all! Experiencing burnout is a real thing, and recognizing the signs is important. Addressing the root causes are essential to getting yourself back to a place where you don’t feel like you regularly need to escape from your life.  

Time Management for Work Life Balance

Balancing your career and family starts with efficient time management. That sounds hard, who has time for that?! Just kidding, it’s kind of important to prioritize high-importance tasks at home and at work. Pro tip: make a daily list using different colored pens, or highlight the most important activities to help you identify where to spend your time. Once you have your VITs (cough cough, very important tasks) laid out, try time-blocking your day: allocate specific time slots for different activities. It can help maintain focus and minimize multitasking so that you’re hyper efficient with your time. Multitasking is also amazing, but without ruthless prioritization, you can increase your mental load and unintentionally reduce efficiency. Delegation is also key—don’t be afraid to share responsibilities at work and at home to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Ask your partner to assist on certain tasks or call in a favor from a friend. Consider a task rabbit or delivery service. Work smarter not harder by using technology to your advantage! Pick the items where you’re able to focus on your strengths and delegate the things that you know will be too time consuming. 

Setting Boundaries Following Maternity Leave

Maintaining clear boundaries between work and personal life is essential for preventing burnout. Ok, this one is pretty basic but also can be really scary: learn to say no.  It is ok to put your personal or professional needs at the forefront of your decision. Avoid overcommitting by politely declining activities as appropriate. There are so many amazing things about being able to work from home, but it’s also not for everyone. As a busy career mom, consider designating a dedicated workspace at home to help separate work and family time. Share your boundaries about this WFH space with your loved ones, like you have scheduled uninterrupted timeblocks or planned snuggle breaks. Clear communication with colleagues and family members can prevent misunderstandings and help maintain expectations around scheduling.

Self-Care Practices as a New Parent and Career Mom

Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is critical for balancing your roles as a parent and professional. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine and maintain a balanced diet for optimal physical health and fitness. You can’t be a bada$$ career mom if you’re tired or hungry! And trust us, when you’re busy, it feels really overwhelming to add “prepare healthy meals” to the list of to-do’s. Or maybe you hate to cook… one word: outsource! Sign up for a meal delivery service or get take out. Even consider simple swaps like baby carrots instead of chips, and ask others for their go-to ready-in-no-time recipes or meal ideas. And as for exercise, start small. If your goal is to take a 30 minute walk 3 days per week, consider just walking around the block for the first few days and then go from there. Setting no-fail achievable goals is the first step in creating atomic habits. Pro-tip: don’t underestimate the importance of getting some zzz’s. Creating routines for optimized sleep, such as putting your phone away 30 minutes before bed, can exponentially level-up your sleep game. Also, consider implementing stress management techniques such as mindfulness and meditation for mental well-being. Breathe. There’s zero shame in seeking professional help if needed from a trained mental health professional or coach. And most importantly, carve out me-time for new hobbies, self-exploration, catching up with friends, whatever it may be, even with a busy schedule. Self-care is NOT selfish!

Leveraging Support Systems for Work Life Balance

Utilize available resources and networks to help you navigate the challenges of balancing your career and family life. Take advantage of workplace resources and employee assistance programs like counseling services or stress management workshops. Engage your loved ones for support, and consider hiring babysitters or other professionals to lighten your load. It really does take a village, and so often people are delighted to jump-in and lend a hand – they’re simply waiting for the ask! But more than anything else, connect with other career moms. Join a local IRL parenting group or online forums or apps where you can share experiences, get advice, and support others who just get it. 

Efficient Work Strategies After Return to Work

Implement productivity tools and techniques to streamline your workflow and maintain focus. Maybe you’re one of those people who has everything super planned out and well organized. Maybe you thrive in the chaos. Either way – as a career mom, use apps to stay organized, manage tasks, and monitor progress when you’re returning to work. Establish concise and efficient communication with your manager and colleagues to prevent misunderstandings and stay aligned on goals. Develop routines that help maintain focus during work hours, such as time-blocking. The day can move quickly so in order to accomplish necessary tasks before transitioning back to mom-mode, utilize techniques that increase productivity.

Balancing Work and Family as a Career Mom

Unpopular opinion: there’s no such thing as perfect work-life balance. It’s going to look different for each career mom, and that’s a-ok. Perhaps you have the option for flexible work hours, remote work days, or a part-time schedule. The most important thing is that you’re prioritizing quality time with your children and your partner to maintain strong family connections, while also honoring your professional commitments. ​​Involve your partner/co-parent/caregiver in planning and decision-making for your kiddo to foster a sense of teamwork and togetherness, which will help you feel balanced as a career mom. Regardless, consider scheduling dedicated time for activities and bonding experiences that strengthen your relationships, both in your personal life and your professional life. And don’t beat yourself up about a perfect 50-50 split. It’s not attainable. Strive to be fully present when you are at work and fully present when you are at home. 

Handling Guilt and Expectations as a New Parent

So you’ve maximized your time management, set boundaries, practiced self-care, leaned on your village, strategized about your return to work, and established a work-life balance – and just as you think you’ve got it all figured out, the guilt sets in.  Managing the feelings of guilt is way, way easier said than done – but try to reflect on your reasons for returning to work and the benefits it provides for your family. Whether it’s financially motivated, value-based, or something else entirely, remembering your why will help when the guilt feels crushing. 

Ok – phew. Let’s review. Prioritize self-care, implement time management techniques and set boundaries at work and at home. Lean on your people and embrace all the feels. By implementing these strategies, career moms can effectively balance their professional and family lives, avoid burnout and glow in both roles and identities. Remember, you’ve got this, mama – and if you need a trusted partner in navigating the joys and challenges of new parenthood, contact Josie today!