Framework for Mental Readiness

Framework for mental readiness - cute puppy with a Halloween mask standing next to a pumpkin.

No tricks, only treats. Building from World Mental Health Day, we’ve spent this month focused on mental health and wellness, particularly for new parents who are wrestling with the demands from the many roles we play in our lives.  To close-out October, Josie Mental Health Coach Celina Ticoll-Ramirez describes a framework for mental readiness that […]

Josie Featured in TIME & Charter!

This week, team Josie had the chance to comment on Caregiving as an identity, a critical topic that has come up in so many of our employer conversations. We are tremendously grateful to S. Mitra Kalita and the team at Charter for this opportunity! Click here for the full article and see select quotes below! “Childcare responsibilities […]

To: the parent who has had to allow extra screen time lately…

From: Josie Mental Health Coach Dear working parent, Hi! I’m Celina, a mental health coach at Josie. Building on World Mental Health Day, I’m excited to make a guest appearance in today’s newsletter. Today, I want to address a common topic that has come up from many of the working parents in our community: screen […]

Building a Better Workplace for All

What an incredible week it has been for our team!  First, on Wednesday, we had the honor and privilege to join an incredible lineup of speakers at Charter’s Future of the Workplace Summit.  Then on Thursday, our very own Co-Founder and CFO Zach Hafner had the amazing opportunity to give a guest lecture at Harvard’s […]

Parental Leave Doesn’t Have to be a Zero-Sum Game

It is time to move past “win-loss” thinking, reframe the conversation, and together make progress by building programs rooted in advancing our shared values.   In recent weeks, the topic of parental leave has shown up in multiple public forums, most notably in this Wall Street Journal article and this one from Glamour.  These articles […]

“Working” and “Parent” – like “Pumpkin Spice” and “Latte”

Happy first week of Fall! Last week, we celebrated National Working Parents Day, and it was such a treat to see the response!  It’s not often that we pause and think about how our various roles and identities can complement one another – more often we think about them in discrete buckets, separate lives and […]

Happy National Working Parent’s Day!

Friday, September 16 is National Working Parents Day! For the team at Josie, this is kind of our Thanksgiving – a perfect opportunity to pay our respects and reflect on how far things have come in recent years. We can imagine there may be some out there who are wondering, do working parents really need […]

What’s your vision for yourself as a working parent?

(hot tip: it can be more than just “survive.”) I worked in strategy consulting for almost 15 years.  There were so many things I loved about it, but my favorite part was getting to help others put structure around complex problems and craft the right messaging to garner support for their plans.  When I told […]

I’m into transitions these days…

And I don’t just mean the return of pumpkin spice lattes (even though I am incredibly excited about that). I’ve been thinking a lot about transitions lately.  Maybe it’s experiencing the first hints of Fall, children walking to school outside my window, or the pumpkins outside my local grocery store (seriously? They seem to appear […]

So, about that Wall Street Journal article…

There is a lot of swirl right now about the recent Wall Street Journal article about companies cutting back on parental leave.  While we’re still digging into the data, what’s most important are the issues it surfaces…and we can’t help but seize this opportunity to jump start a conversation about these challenges.  Earlier this week, […]