Preparing for Parental Leave and Your Return to Work

Preparing for parental leave and return to work - parents holding baby feet in their hands.

Oh, those final few weeks before baby’s arrival when preparing for parental leave and your return to work (whenever that may be!). The car seat is setup, the crib assembled, and hospital bag is packed. You’ve even managed to squeeze in a few book recommendations and feel proud that “Emily Oster” is now in your vocabulary.

Similar to the care we put into preparing for baby, we also need to put some TLC into our professional lives.  After all – it’s a major transition – a pivotal moment for both your family as well as your career. Being intentional and preparing for  parental leave and your return to work can have a huge return-on-investment, leaving you with more peace of mind throughout the process.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details to ensure a smooth transition from work life to baby life (and back again).

Planning for Parental Leave

Breaking the News

Informing your employer about your leave can feel like a game of “guess who’s expecting,” minus the fun. At the end of the day, your gut is a great guide – share when it feels right and most comfortable for you. Our suggestion is around the three-to-six-month mark before your due date, to give ample time for you, your colleagues, and your manager to partner on a strong transition plan. As for the “how,” try scheduling a face-to-face meeting, because who doesn’t love a good heart-to-heart over impending parenthood?  If helpful, practice with a trusted friend or family member ahead of the big reveal.

Paid vs. Unpaid Leave

Now, let’s tackle the money talk. Know the ins and outs of your company’s leave policy and whether your leave will be paid, unpaid, or a mix of both. Also, explore any benefits you’re entitled to, like disability insurance or paid family leave – thirteen states and the District of Columbia have enacted mandatory paid family leave systems. Every penny counts when you’re stocking up on diapers!

Budgeting Like a Boss

Creating a financial plan and budgeting for your leave is crucial, especially when your work life is on hold. Embrace your inner finance guru and plan for expenses during your time away from the office. Don’t forget to account for hidden costs, like late-night baby gear impulse buys and an endless supply of coffee – trust us, you’ll need it!

With a little preparation and foresight, you’ll be ready to conquer parenthood like a pro. Now go ahead and bask in the joy (and chaos) that comes with this new adventure!

Preparing Your Workplace Before Parental Leave

As your parental leave approaches, it’s time to begin the transition of responsibilities (and communicating it all). Here are some tips for preparing for your parental leave and return to work to ensure a seamless handoff to your colleagues:

Delegate Like a Pro

Determine who will cover your duties while you’re off becoming a parenting extraordinaire. Make a list of your tasks and delegate them to capable coworkers. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work – or, in this case, keeps the office afloat while you’re sailing through parenthood. Note: it’s normal to feel a bit of guilt when handing off responsibility to others. If that’s you, remember this: strong teams have strong cultures, and outperform those that don’t.  Part of having a strong culture is respecting, honoring, and supporting team members’ who ALL of lives outside of work.  Ask yourself: would you pitch in and help a teammate if they were on leave? We’re guessing that answer for you is an obvious yes.

Train Your Replacements

Imagine your job is like a secret family recipe – now’s the time to pass it down. Offer necessary training and guidance to your stand-ins, ensuring they’re equipped with the tools to succeed. Pro tip: invite them to join relevant meetings they will be taking over before you go out. Allow them to witness how you handle them, and soak in your wisdom and expertise. Seeing is believing.

Documenting for Dummies (and Non-Dummies)

Ensure your work processes are clearly documented, creating manuals or guides for ongoing tasks. That way, your colleagues won’t be left scratching their heads over how to navigate your expertly organized spreadsheets or decipher your cryptic file names. After all, a little clarity goes a long way. Remember to include not only what you do and the process, but also timing, relevant stakeholders, and backup plans when things don’t go according to plan.

So, roll up your sleeves, put on your project manager hat, and make sure your workplace is primed for your parental leave. With these tips in your arsenal, you’ll be ready to focus on the exciting journey ahead without worrying about what you’ve left behind (your colleagues will thank you, trust us).

Communicating with Colleagues and Clients About Upcoming Parental Leave and Return to Work

Now that you’ve delegated tasks and prepared your workplace, it’s time to tackle communication. Here’s how to spread the word while you’re preparing for parental leave and your return to work while ensuring the professional wheels keep turning:

Authenticity is Key

Look, there is no way around it – you’re going out to take on one of the more amazing and important roles you’ll ever have in your life, and you’re going to need that time to focus on your family. That means all the amazing things you do at work either need to be put on hold or transitioned. Communicating that can be hard (cue note on guilt above!) So, how to do it?  Be honest. Be authentic. Express your gratitude. Be over-generous when it comes to sharing relevant information and training your colleagues. Start with your manager – pull them in as an ally in communicating with other team members if necessary.

Auto-Responses Are Your Best Friend

Set up automatic email and voicemail responses to inform your contacts of your absence. Don’t forget to include your expected return date, who to contact in your place, and a subtle reminder that you’re off on the most epic parenting adventure (diaper duty, here you come!).  Feel free to insert a bit of personality into your OOO – we’ve seen some amazing messages during our time at Josie, and it’s a friendly reminder to all who see it just how awesome you are.

Client Communication 101

Transparency is key when it comes to informing clients about your leave. Be straightforward and keep them in the loop about who will be taking over during your absence. Get them used to seeing and hearing from your stand-in by having them join meetings before you go out.  Setting clear expectations will put clients at ease and ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved. (Plus, some may even gift you an adorable onesie to celebrate your new arrival – you never know!)

With these tips in your back pocket, you’ll be a communication pro when it comes to spreading the news about your parental leave. So go forth, and conquer the world of professional announcements – and then, the world of parenthood!

During Parental Leave

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the heart of your parental leave journey! Here’s how to navigate this new chapter while staying connected and maintaining a sense of balance:

Stay Connected (Without Overdoing It)

You might be tempted to keep tabs on work 24/7, but remember, this is your time to focus on your growing family. Set boundaries for checking in and resist the urge to over-commit. Be specific about those boundaries, e.g., “I will only check work emails once a week, on Saturdays while my partner takes baby on a walk at 10AM.”  The more specific, the more likely you are to stick to it. And if you want to completely unplug – do it! If that is what you need to be more present with your family, then keep that laptop shut.

Find the Balance

Balancing work and family life can be tough, especially when a tiny human is calling the shots. Ease into your new routine, embrace flexibility, and remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day (and neither is a foolproof parenting strategy).

Self-Care for the Win

Amid the chaos of parenthood, don’t neglect your mental health and well-being. Build-in self-care activities that rejuvenate your spirit and remind you of life beyond diaper duty. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, or a Netflix binge, make time for the things that keep you sane. Importantly, remember it doesn’t have to be a major expense or time-consuming activity. Even a 10 minute walk or coffee with a friend can do the trick.

The Power of Support Networks

It takes a village to raise a child, and there’s no shame in leaning on friends, family, and fellow parents for support. From swapping stories to sharing survival tips, a strong network can make all the difference in navigating this wild ride called parenthood.

So, take a deep breath, soak in the magic of your parental leave, and remember that balance is key. With these tips in your parenting arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to conquering this adventure like a pro! And if we can help, be sure to contact Josie today!