Preparing for Parental Leave and Your Return to Work

Preparing for parental leave and return to work - parents holding baby feet in their hands.

Oh, those final few weeks before baby’s arrival when preparing for parental leave and your return to work (whenever that may be!). The car seat is setup, the crib assembled, and hospital bag is packed. You’ve even managed to squeeze in a few book recommendations and feel proud that “Emily Oster” is now in your […]

Maternity Leave: What to Know Before You Go

What to know before maternity leave - pregnant woman working on laptop

We know that planning for maternity leave is a crucial step for expectant parents, ensuring a smooth transition for both your personal and professional life. It might feel daunting, but trust us: if you prepare ahead, you can focus on welcoming your new baby without the added stress of unresolved work issues. No one needs […]