Josie Wrapped

A reflection on our year: a celebration of a new years 2024

A Spotify-Inspired Reflection on Our Year Was 2023 “your year” or are you still writing 2022 on your checks?  Either way, 2024 is right around the corner, providing an opportunity for reflection on our year.  For us at Josie, in reflection of our year, 2023 was a year of growth in our industry knowledge and […]

A Different Take on Back to School

Back to school - apple falling off the tree and hitting a school bus

As September winds down, we at Josie have had time to reflect on this back-to-school season. There are many great articles and posts about the transition back to school for working parents. But thinking beyond getting kids on the bus or re-establishing routines that shifted during summer, an important change is occurring for parents whose […]