What Working Parents Want Employers to Know At the Holidays

What working parents want employers to know at the holidays: a family with matching socks by the fire

Happy Holidays, Josie community!  Or should we say holi-“daze”?  As wonderful as this season can be, it can be equally as stressful for working parents who may notice an increase in demands for their attention (kids home from school, family requests) on top of the additional responsibilities that come with the season (buying gifts, cooking, […]

The Importance of A Great Coach

A great coach - Ted Lasso's believe sign

Ted Lasso For All As October winds down and fall sports are in full swing (from pre-k to professional), we can’t help but think about teams and coaches. We know intuitively that a great coach is foundational to success (and we REALLY want our favorite teams to succeed!). In the sports world, great coaches are […]

A Different Take on Back to School

Back to school - apple falling off the tree and hitting a school bus

As September winds down, we at Josie have had time to reflect on this back-to-school season. There are many great articles and posts about the transition back to school for working parents. But thinking beyond getting kids on the bus or re-establishing routines that shifted during summer, an important change is occurring for parents whose […]

How to Fly with a Breast Pump and Pumped Breastmilk

Flying with breastmilk - airline route with breast pump image

As National Breastfeeding Month and summer wind down and work travel resumes for many Josie wants to highlight some resources that can help provide peace of mind for flying with breastmilk and keeping your pumped milk safe while traveling. The importance of knowing your rights to carry breastmilk and spaces to pump at the airport […]

Happy Birthday to Josie!

Happy birthday to Josie! Cupcakes on a tray with sparkler candles

Happy birthday to Josie, happy birthday to you! I still remember the overwhelming amount of support we received when we first launched, and the hundreds of encouraging messages I got from people from all walks of life.  Our mission resonated with so many, and I was in shock by the response. I’m amazed at what […]

Working Motherhood and Mental Health

Working motherhood and mental health - a mom holds her daughter and waves to someone on the computer.

Shining a Light During Mental Health Awareness Month As the month of May – Mental Health Awareness Month and the month in which we honor moms on Mother’s Day – comes to a close, we’re reflecting on some of the many unique struggles of working motherhood and mental health. Juggling the demands of a career […]

Honoring generations of working moms

Honoring the generations of working moms - Michelle's mother at her retirement ceremony at her optometry business.

To close out women’s history month, and in honoring the generations of working moms who came before me, I interviewed one of the most influential working moms I know:  my own mom, Josephine Yu. The conversation centered around both her and my grandmother’s experiences as working mothers. This was the first time I heard these […]

How to avoid the snowball effect

Holiday mental load - a plate of festive holiday cookies.

…of the holiday mental load The holiday season is in full swing, and I don’t know about you, but our house is bursting with decorations, holiday crafts, candles, and way too many sweets (good thing we got the dentist visit in a few weeks ago, because if she saw their teeth now…!) While I just […]

Getting the Benefit of Your Benefits

Getting benefit from your benefits - employees look at shared laptop.

Strategies for sidestepping the workplace culture war A recent trending video on Tik-Tok provides a cautionary tale for employers about getting the benefit of your benefits – with concerning implications for working parents. In it, the creator shares her experience requesting and receiving approval for Christmas holiday vacation. Subsequently, she is asked by her manager […]

Grateful For The Support And To Support You

Grateful for the support - thanksgiving table filled with food.

We still can’t believe it’s already November – with the holidays just around the corner. As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, we wanted to show gratitude to the many individuals and organizations who have made it possible for Josie to be what we are today. We are so grateful for the support – and to be able […]