Preparing for Parental Leave and Your Return to Work

Preparing for parental leave and return to work - parents holding baby feet in their hands.

Oh, those final few weeks before baby’s arrival when preparing for parental leave and your return to work (whenever that may be!). The car seat is setup, the crib assembled, and hospital bag is packed. You’ve even managed to squeeze in a few book recommendations and feel proud that “Emily Oster” is now in your […]

Is Work Life Balance Possible When You Have a Baby?

Work life balance is possible when you have a baby - Father in a business suit plays with his son after work

Don’t believe anything you’ve read: Work life balance after having a baby doesn’t totally exist the way those Instagram accounts might have you think. Because balancing work and life as a new parent can seem like an impossible task. As a parent, you’ll quickly learn that you CAN’T do it all. Not without some support. […]

#iwishihadthis … and now we do!

Embarking on the journey of parenthood is an exciting, challenging, and life-changing experience. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all.the.things! After chatting one day about the stuff we wish we’d had in those bleary newborn days and all the things we’ve learned since becoming moms, we realized HEY! We should share this list with others. […]

Health Equity for Her

Empowering women through mental health and equity: blossoming health equity for her

Empowering Women in the Workforce Through Mental Health and Wellness As we wind down mental health month and women’s health week, our team at Josie has been reflecting on how our work intersects with the important topic of health equity, and empowering women through mental health and wellness.  Here’s the bottom (top?) line: Women’s health […]

Every Day Can Feel Like Bring Your Kid to Work Day

Remote work: laptop and strewn legos

…When You Remote Work From Home! With the increasing popularity of remote work, many working parents find themselves juggling both careers and little ones under one roof. Even when our kiddos are physically away at school or a childcare center, there can be ever-constant reminders of their presence throughout the work day – crayons strewn […]

The Parenting Playoffs

Parenting Playoffs: March madness style bracket of struggles facing working parent

Mental Load Reigns Supreme When we set out to collect data on the challenges facing working parents, our goal was to learn from the real superstars out there kicking butt every day: you. The response we received was overwhelming. Y’all shared your stories, struggles, and secrets about being working parents. Since it is March, it […]

Love isn’t all you need

Love isn't all you need: computer with a heart image

A couple of musically inclined working dads once said, “all you need is love” – and while love is undoubtedly an essential ingredient, love isn’t all you need. There’s a broader recipe to navigating the big jobs of parent + professional. With great responsibility comes great stress, and it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly […]

From Snow Days to Stomach Bugs

working parent's tale of survival: heart shaped snowball

A Working Parent’s Tale of Survival Brace yourselves, folks, because I’m about to take you on a wild ride through my first week of 2024 as a working parent. From school closures to car vomit, this week had it all! But fear not, I’ve come out the other side with some valuable lessons and a […]

Josie Wrapped

A reflection on our year: a celebration of a new years 2024

A Spotify-Inspired Reflection on Our Year Was 2023 “your year” or are you still writing 2022 on your checks?  Either way, 2024 is right around the corner, providing an opportunity for reflection on our year.  For us at Josie, in reflection of our year, 2023 was a year of growth in our industry knowledge and […]

What Working Parents Want Employers to Know At the Holidays

What working parents want employers to know at the holidays: a family with matching socks by the fire

Happy Holidays, Josie community!  Or should we say holi-“daze”?  As wonderful as this season can be, it can be equally as stressful for working parents who may notice an increase in demands for their attention (kids home from school, family requests) on top of the additional responsibilities that come with the season (buying gifts, cooking, […]