So, about that Wall Street Journal article…

There is a lot of swirl right now about the recent Wall Street Journal article about companies cutting back on parental leave.  While we’re still digging into the data, what’s most important are the issues it surfaces…and we can’t help but seize this opportunity to jump start a conversation about these challenges.  Earlier this week, […]

Breastfeeding & the Return to Work: B(r)e(a)st Practices

In line with National Breastfeeding Month, this week we are highlighting both the challenges and opportunities associated with breastfeeding and pumping during the return-to-work transition.  On a personal note, breastfeeding was hugely challenging for me.  I never produced much milk and found the whole experience to be exhausting.  I also experienced D-MER (Dysphoric Milk Ejection […]

We’re Basking In Your Backing

We're basking in your backing - a group huddle with hands in.

The Verdict Is In: It’s About Damn Time. We’ve been blown away by the overwhelming response to our launch last week – the outpouring of support and shared experiences has far exceeded our wildest expectations.  We’re basking in your backing! Importantly, it’s further validation that we’re doing the right thing, and there is ample opportunity […]