
we're so glad you're here

WashU Medicine is committed to supporting you in every aspect of your life — at work and at home.

That’s why we’ve launched a pilot partnership with Josie — a personalized coaching and content platform designed to support you through parental leave.

This pilot program is open to all faculty members with a primary appointment in the Washington University School of Medicine who are expecting a new child. We will be evaluating feedback to inform expansion opportunities going forward.

How it works

The ultimate working-parent hype team.

Through our pilot program, all WashU faculty employees can access the free content  below designed to support working parents. Currently, Josie’s parental leave coaching program is available to faculty with a primary appointment in the School of Medicine. We’ll be evaluating the pilot’s impact to explore opportunities for expanding these services to all team members in the future.

Here’s how it works:

Learn more about our pilot program

We’re here to help you navigate parental leave like a pro. 

We’re excited to invite you to participate in a unique 3-session coaching experience designed to help you build confidence and navigate the transition into and out of parental leave with confidence.

As one of our pilot participants, your feedback will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of this program and helping us determine whether WashU should expand it to the broader organization.

Each session is conducted virtually and is approx. 50 minutes. Click below for more details.

Session titles and timing:

  • Session 1: Pre-Leave Planning (~8 – 10 weeks prior to due date)
  • Session 2: Setting an Intentional Vision for Working Parenthood (within 2 weeks before or after your return date)
  • Session 3: The Modern Working Parent Roadmap (~4 – 6 weeks after your return date)


Topics addressed:

  • Clarify short-term career goals and steps to achieve
  • Discuss coverage plan and any potential concerns
  • For moms planning to breastfeed: align on needs to meet pumping goals, create communication plan
  • Prepare for upcoming discussions with Department leads
  • Create strategies to protect from burnout
  • Develop actionable plan to manage work / life logistics and management


Who you’ll work with:

Josie Career Coach

Wall of Love

What clients are saying about Josie…

Need a little taste of what we’re offering?

Click below to get instant access to our Pre-Leave Playbook for physicians and get a look at everything you need to prepare yourself and your team to take your parental leave.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlike boxy tshirts, there’s no one size fits all solution for everyone. Here are a few reasons that parents seek us out… 

  • You’re looking for a sounding board for uncomfortable conversations with your boss or partner;
  • You’re working through the mental and emotional challenges of leaving your baby; 
  • You’d appreciated some guidance crafting a realistic plan to manage the mental load after parental leave;
  • You’d benefit from some dedicated time to identify values, priorities, and your own version of “balance”; 
  • You need a safe space to release all the feels with someone who just gets it.

At this time, this pilot program is only available to faculty with a primary appointment in the School of Medicine. We will be evaluating pilot results to inform expansion plans.

Unlike boxy tshirts, there’s no one size fits all solution for everyone. Here are a few reasons that parents seek us out… 

  • You’re looking for a sounding board for uncomfortable conversations with your boss or partner;
  • You’re working through the mental and emotional challenges of leaving your baby; 
  • You’d appreciate some guidance crafting a realistic plan to manage the mental load after parental leave;
  • You’d benefit from some dedicated time to identify values, priorities, and your own version of “balance”; 
  • You need a safe space to release all the feels with someone who just gets it.

Nope! Our partnership with WashU means there is no cost to you.

There are so many paths to parenthood and so many different types of people who identify as parents – ALL are welcome 🫶And, while second (third! fourth! fifth!) time around with a baby absolutely makes you a pro, it also means you bring a fresh perspective and deeper value to the experience. We support parents no matter who or what number kid you’re on.

Yes! This program is open to all faculty members with a primary appointment in the Washington University School of Medicine who are expecting a new child (via birth, adoption or foster placement). Birth parents, non-birth parents, and guardians are invited to participate.

Great question because delivering a super meaningful experience is our highest priority. Our Josie mental health coaches are all masters level trained therapists. Our Josie career coaches are ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified. And our Josie transition coaches are all parents – including physicians – who have walked a mile in your shoes. All of our coaches are required to pass our internal certification trainings and role play exams.

Relationship building is our sweet spot. We take great care in pairing our parents and coaches to ensure that you can be authentically you. When you get started, you’ll fill out an onboarding questionnaire that will help us pair you with an amazing coaching team we know you’ll vibe with.

We use video and phone call via our secure app that can be used on a desktop or mobile device or tablet.

Absolutely! We are totally flexible so if you’re on a walk, nursing, holding your little one, cleaning spit-up – we get it and we can make it all work.

We have more answers! Get in touch with us anytime day or night, [email protected].  You can also get information at faculty.med.wustl.edu or hr.wust.edu or visit BenefitBump | Human Resources | Washington University in St. Louis.

I gained lessons that will stick with me for life.

- Jeremy G.

Ready to get started?

Fill out the form linked below, and the Josie team will get you onboarded.

*Please note: This pilot is currently available to faculty with a primary appointment in the WashU School of Medicine.

Our goal is to collect feedback and evaluate for expansion at the conclusion of this program.

Welcome to the content library! Explore our free resources below.

Pre-Leave Primer: Essential Prep For the Career-Driven Parent

Tailored for career-driven parents like you, our treasure trove of tips and tools will have you navigating leave like a pro. Say goodbye to leave-planning stress and hello to a fun, engaging experience as you discover strategies for smooth transitions and maintaining work-life balance.

From crafting genius Out-Of-Office messages to nailing those important conversations with colleagues and managers, we’ve got your back!

Josie’s Pre-Leave Playbook for Physicians

Everything you need to prepare yourself and your team to take your parental leave.

How to Create a Parental Leave Intention Statement with Clara-Lucia Carrier u

Josie’s Childcare Strategy Guide and Score Sheet

A one-stop-shop guide for all things, “but what do I do about childcare?!” We know, we know — it feels too early to think about, but trust us on this one: do it now!

How to Tell Your Boss You're Pregnant

Having this convo might seem overwhelming but our tip sheet helps you think through the conversation with your manager, and even gives you scripting and email templates you can use to help get the ball rolling.

How to Tell your Boss You’re Pregnant… Again!!

Maybe things didn’t go as planned before, or maybe you have a new manager – whatever the reason, this tip sheet helps you think through the conversation… again!… and gives you nuanced scripting and templates to broach the subject a second (third? fourth?) time.

How to Craft the Perfect OOO Message

Make sure your clients, customers, partners, etc. know that you’re on leave — and do it in a way that feels authentically you.

Maternity Leave: What to Know Before You Go

Best practices before you head out to welcome your baby.

I Wish I Had This (and Now We Do!)

A round-up of everything the Josie community wished they had when they were becoming parents.

My experience with Josie during my transition back to work after having a baby was a game-changer.

- Carly C., Director

The Great Return: Conquering the Comeback Like the #Boss You Are

The Great Return series empowers you to rock your transition back to work.

Master the art of sleep routines, manage sleep deprivation with our top tips, and create the perfect work schedule using our templates.

Nail that first meeting with your manager and confidently ask for flexibility with our playbook and scripting guidance. Plus, join our CEO, Michelle Yu in a video tutorial on how to create your personal vision statement for working parenthood.

Bonus: Check out our article on flying with a breast pump and pumped breastmilk for an extra dose of helpful insights! With our Great Return assets, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any challenge and take your career to new heights.

Create a Nourishing Sleep Routine

An easy-to-implement guide for creating sleep habits that serve you as a working parent.

Josie’s Top 10 Tips for Managing Sleep Deprivation at Work

Quick hitting tips to help you make do — even when you’re totally exhausted.

Build Your Return-to-Work Schedule

Get reacquainted with your dear old friend, excel and make a return schedule that works for you.

How to Nail the First Meeting Back With Your Manager

Ace your return-to-work meetings — including email templates and scripting you can readily use.

Asking for Flexibility: A How To Guide

Our playbook — chock-full of scripts — to help you advocate for yourself in your ask for flexibility.

Working Motherhood and Mental Health

Shining a Light During Mental Health Awareness Month

Mindful Moments Tip Sheet

Pumping on the road Tip Sheet

The Importance of a Great Coach

As October winds down and fall sports are in full swing (from pre-k to professional), we can’t help but think about teams and coaches.

Create your Working Parent Vision Statement

Confidence from the Closet Tip Sheet

Heart & Hustle: Stories from the Trenches

Career-Life Balance: You are Working Parent Warrior, Hear Yourself Roar.

Ah, balance – that word. It can trigger so many thoughts, feelings, and questions such as “is that even realistic?”  At Josie, balance is not about a perfect 50/50 split on home and work life – it’s a feeling that you’re in control, that you’re supported, and have techniques to fall back on when the going gets rough (and the going will indeed, get rough).  

So it’s not necessarily about achieving a specific goal – it’s about how you weather the ups, downs, and get back to the center.  

Read on to find out best tips, stories, and frameworks for getting back to that centeredness.  We’re in your corner, through and through.

Create a Nourishing Sleep Routine

An easy-to-implement guide to for creating sleep habits that serve you as a working parent.

Asking for Flexibility: A How To Guide

Our playbook — chock-full of scripts — to help you advocate for yourself in your ask for flexibility.

How to Fly with a Breast Pump and Pumped Breastmilk

Flying with liquid gold? Here’s everything you need to do for a smooth flight.

Build Your Return-to-Work Schedule

Get reacquainted with your dear old friend, excel and make a return schedule that works for you.

From Snowdays to Stomach Bugs

Brace yourselves, folks, because I’m about to take you on a wild ride through my first week of 2024 as a working parent.

Parenting Playoffs

When we set out to collect data on the challenges facing working parents, our goal was to learn from the real superstars out there kicking butt every day: you.

How to Avoid the Snowball Effect

The holiday season is in full swing, and I don’t know about you, but our house is bursting with decorations, holiday crafts, candles, and way too many sweets

Josie’s Time Management Tip Sheet

Josie’s Meal Planning Template

Josie’s Self-Care Cake

Ready to get started?

Get ready to own your superpowers as a dedicated parent and driven professional.

